simpleType GDERelationshipType
type restriction of xsd:string
base xsd:string
used by
attribute GDEReferenceType/@type
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration associated
enumeration attached
enumeration related
enumeration connection
enumeration implementation
enumeration implements
enumeration realisation
enumeration misc
enumeration signalSource
enumeration signalTarget
enumeration signalTransmitter
enumeration processVariable
enumeration redundancy
enumeration signalValue
enumeration processVariableValue
enumeration route
enumeration software
enumeration processorGateway
enumeration mass
enumeration sharedAssociated

      This is the type of a relationship between two Occurrences or Instances.
      connection:      An Occurrence of a Connection, related to an Occurrence
                       of a GDE to which it connects.
      implementation:  An 'implemented by' relation, for example between an
                       Occurrence of a Connection and an Occurrence of a
                       ProductRevisionView; or between an Occurrence of a
                       functional PRV and a physical PRV.
      implements:      The inverse of 'implemented by'. For example, an Occurrence
                       of a PRV may implement a RouteSection.
      signalSource:    from Instance of a Signal to Occurrence of a Signal,
                       Connection, GDE or Product.
      signalTarget:    from Instance of a Signal to Occurrence of a Signal,
                       Connection, GDE or Product.
      signalTransmitter: from Instance of a Signal to Occurrence of a Signal,
                       Connection, GDE or Product.
      processVariable: from Instance of a Signal to the corresponding
                       Occurrence of a ProcessVariable.
      redundancy:      from Instance of Signal to Occurrence of a Signal
                       which is replicated by the first one.
      signalValue:     from Instance of a Signal to a SignalValue.
      processVariableValue: from Instance of a ProcessVariable to a
      route:           from an Occurrence or Instance to a Route.
      software:        from an Occurrence or Instance of a Processor
                       or Software to an Occurrence or Instance of a
                       Software which uses or depends on it.
      processorGateway: from an Occurrence or Instance of a Processor
                       to an Occurrence or Instance of another Processor
                       for which the first Processor acts as a Gateway.

      mass:            Relates a MechanismOccurrence or MechanismInstance to an
                       Occurrence or Instance in the ProductStructure that
                       determines its mass.
      sharedAssociated: References shared geometry.
source <xsd:simpleType name="GDERelationshipType">
      This is the type of a relationship between two Occurrences or Instances.
      connection:      An Occurrence of a Connection, related to an Occurrence
                       of a GDE to which it connects.
      implementation:  An 'implemented by' relation, for example between an
                       Occurrence of a Connection and an Occurrence of a
                       ProductRevisionView; or between an Occurrence of a
                       functional PRV and a physical PRV.
      implements:      The inverse of 'implemented by'. For example, an Occurrence
                       of a PRV may implement a RouteSection.
      signalSource:    from Instance of a Signal to Occurrence of a Signal,
                       Connection, GDE or Product.
      signalTarget:    from Instance of a Signal to Occurrence of a Signal,
                       Connection, GDE or Product.
      signalTransmitter: from Instance of a Signal to Occurrence of a Signal,
                       Connection, GDE or Product.
      processVariable: from Instance of a Signal to the corresponding
                       Occurrence of a ProcessVariable.
      redundancy:      from Instance of Signal to Occurrence of a Signal
                       which is replicated by the first one.
      signalValue:     from Instance of a Signal to a SignalValue.
      processVariableValue: from Instance of a ProcessVariable to a
      route:           from an Occurrence or Instance to a Route.
      software:        from an Occurrence or Instance of a Processor
                       or Software to an Occurrence or Instance of a
                       Software which uses or depends on it.
      processorGateway: from an Occurrence or Instance of a Processor
                       to an Occurrence or Instance of another Processor
                       for which the first Processor acts as a Gateway.

      mass:            Relates a MechanismOccurrence or MechanismInstance to an
                       Occurrence or Instance in the ProductStructure that
                       determines its mass.
      sharedAssociated: References shared geometry.
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
<xsd:enumeration value="associated"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="attached"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="related"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="connection"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="implementation"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="implements"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="realisation"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="misc"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="signalSource"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="signalTarget"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="signalTransmitter"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="processVariable"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="redundancy"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="signalValue"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="processVariableValue"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="route"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="software"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="processorGateway"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="mass"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="sharedAssociated"/>

XML Schema documentation generated by XMLSpy Schema Editor