simpleType SolverAnalysisEnum
type restriction of xsd:NMTOKEN
base xsd:NMTOKEN
used by
attribute MechanismParametersType/@type
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration dynamics
enumeration kinematics
enumeration statics

            The type of the solution, for which the Mechanism model is designed. Dynamic analysis may be
            performed on models with one or more degrees of freedom. It uses Newton's Laws of Motion to
            determine the motion of all the Mechanism objects. A kinematic model has zero degrees of
            freedom and the motion of one or more Mechanism objects is pre-defined. The analyser determines
            the motion of all the other Mechanism objects. Static or equilibrium analysis determines the
            positions & orientations of, and the forces & torques on, all the Mechanism objects at
            an equilibrium.
source <xsd:simpleType name="SolverAnalysisEnum">
            The type of the solution, for which the Mechanism model is designed. Dynamic analysis may be
            performed on models with one or more degrees of freedom. It uses Newton's Laws of Motion to
            determine the motion of all the Mechanism objects. A kinematic model has zero degrees of
            freedom and the motion of one or more Mechanism objects is pre-defined. The analyser determines
            the motion of all the other Mechanism objects. Static or equilibrium analysis determines the
            positions &amp; orientations of, and the forces &amp; torques on, all the Mechanism objects at
            an equilibrium.
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:NMTOKEN">
<xsd:enumeration value="dynamics"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="kinematics"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="statics"/>

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