simpleType TextureDataFormatType
type restriction of xsd:NMTOKEN
base xsd:NMTOKEN
used by
attributes Texture1DType/@format Texture2DType/@format
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration RGBA
enumeration RGB
enumeration LA
enumeration A
enumeration L

      Basic texture data format definition
      Determines the length of each data element in the hexBinary data element.
      RGBA = 4 bytes of red, green, blue and alpha
      RGB  = 3 bytes of red, green and blue
      LA   = 2 bytes of luminance and alpha
      A    = 1 byte of alpha
      L    = 1 byte of luminance
source <xsd:simpleType name="TextureDataFormatType">
      Basic texture data format definition
      Determines the length of each data element in the hexBinary data element.
      RGBA = 4 bytes of red, green, blue and alpha
      RGB  = 3 bytes of red, green and blue
      LA   = 2 bytes of luminance and alpha
      A    = 1 byte of alpha
      L    = 1 byte of luminance
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:NMTOKEN">
<xsd:enumeration value="RGBA"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="RGB"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="LA"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="A"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="L"/>

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