Name | Type | Use | Default | Fixed | Annotation |
id | xsd:ID | optional | | | |
name | xsd:string | optional | | | |
nameRef | plm:anyURIType | optional | | | |
descriptionTextRef | plm:anyURIType | optional | | | |
gauge | xsd:positiveInteger | optional | | | |
outerDiameter | xsd:double | optional | | | documentation | Outer diameter of the wire. |
productId | xsd:normalizedString | optional | | | documentation | Product ID or Part number of the wire |
colour | plm:RGBType | optional | | | documentation | Colour of the Wire in RGB representation. |
colourName | xsd:normalizedString | optional | | | documentation | Name of the cable colour, if the colour can't be represented in RGB type. |
type | xsd:normalizedString | optional | | | documentation | Type of the wire. Type and Gauge are used to select a wire from the wire part tables. |
linearDensity | xsd:double | optional | | | documentation | Mass per unit length of the wire. Used to calculate the weight of the harness. |
materialName | xsd:normalizedString | optional | | | documentation | Name of the wire material. |
materialType | xsd:normalizedString | optional | | | documentation | Type of the wire material. |
minLengthAllowed | xsd:double | optional | | | documentation | Minimum length of the wire that should be used in a connection. Useful for design rule validation. |
maxLengthAllowed | xsd:double | optional | | | documentation | Maximum length of the wire that can be used in a connection. Useful for design rule validation. |
minBendRadius | xsd:double | optional | | | |