simpleType WorkflowTriggerEnum
type restriction of xsd:NMTOKEN
base xsd:NMTOKEN
used by
attribute TaskSchedulingInfoType/@workflowTrigger
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration none
enumeration predecessors
enumeration start
enumeration both
enumeration either

      none:           Any workflow is not triggered.
      predecessors:   The workflow is triggered when the predecessor
                      ScheduleTaskRevision elements are complete.
      start:          The workflow is triggered when the start date and time
                      of the ScheduleTaskRevision arrive.
      both:           The workflow is triggered when the conditions for both
                      predecessors and start are met.
      either:         The workflow is triggered when the condition for either
                      predecessors or start is met.
source <xsd:simpleType name="WorkflowTriggerEnum">
      none:           Any workflow is not triggered.
      predecessors:   The workflow is triggered when the predecessor
                      ScheduleTaskRevision elements are complete.
      start:          The workflow is triggered when the start date and time
                      of the ScheduleTaskRevision arrive.
      both:           The workflow is triggered when the conditions for both
                      predecessors and start are met.
      either:         The workflow is triggered when the condition for either
                      predecessors or start is met.
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:NMTOKEN">
<xsd:enumeration value="none"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="predecessors"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="start"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="both"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="either"/>

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