complexType Ann3DCoordinateNoteType
diagram plmxml_diagrams/plmxml_p669.png
type extension of plm:Annotation3DType
base plm:Annotation3DType
children plm:Description plm:ApplicationRef plm:Attribute plm:BoxBound plm:SphereBound plm:Bound plm:PropertyGroup plm:Keyword plm:SafetyClassification plm:ValueToCustomer plm:Reference plm:FeatureIdentification
used by
element CoordinateNote
Name  Type  Use  Default  Fixed  Annotation
id  xsd:ID  optional      
name  xsd:string  optional      
nameRef  plm:anyURIType  optional      
descriptionTextRef  plm:anyURIType  optional      
attributeRefs  xsd:IDREFS  optional      
accessRefs  plm:uriReferenceListType  optional      
statusRef  plm:anyURIType  optional      
checkoutRefs  plm:uriReferenceListType  optional      
subType  xsd:string  optional      
effectivityRefs  plm:uriReferenceListType  optional      
releaseStatusRefs  plm:uriReferenceListType  optional      
gdeInstanceRefs  plm:uriReferenceListType  optional      
propertyRefs  plm:uriReferenceListType  optional      
accountabilityId  xsd:integer  optional      
group  xsd:string  optional      
usage  xsd:string  optional      
uriRefs  plm:uriReferenceListType  optional      
standard  plm:Ann3DDimensionStandardType  optional      
textBox  xsd:boolean    false    
includeX  xsd:boolean    false    
xPrefix  xsd:string        
xSuffix  xsd:string        
includeY  xsd:boolean    false    
yPrefix  xsd:string        
ySuffix  xsd:string        
includeZ  xsd:boolean    false    
zPrefix  xsd:string        
zSuffix  xsd:string        
includeI  xsd:boolean    false    
iPrefix  xsd:string        
iSuffix  xsd:string        
includeJ  xsd:boolean    false    
jPrefix  xsd:string        
jSuffix  xsd:string        
includeK  xsd:boolean    false    
kPrefix  xsd:string        
kSuffix  xsd:string        
includeLabel  xsd:boolean    false    
labelPrefix  xsd:string        
labelSuffix  xsd:string        
includeLevel  xsd:boolean    false    
levelPrefix  xsd:string        
levelSuffix  xsd:string        

      CoordinateNote Annotation

      standard:       standard used in for the Coordinate Note
      textBox:        Indicates whether or not the note has a box around it
      includeX:       Indicates whether or not to include the X coordinate of the tracked entity
      xPrefix:        User specified prefix for X coordinate
      xSuffix:        User specified suffix for X coordinate
      includeY:       Indicates whether or not to include the Y coordinate of the tracked entity
      yPrefix:        User specified prefix for Y coordinate
      ySuffix:        User specified suffix for Y coordinate
      includeZ:       Indicates whether or not to include the Z coordinate of the tracked entity
      zPrefix:        User specified prefix for Z coordinate
      zSuffix:        User specified suffix for Z coordinate
      includeI:       Indicates whether or not to include the I component of the tracked entity
                       Only meaningful if the tracked entity has a normal vector
      iPrefix:        User specified prefix for I coordinate
      iSuffix:        User specified suffix for I coordinate
      includeJ:       Indicates whether or not to include the J component of the tracked entity
                       Only meaningful if the tracked entity has a normal vector
      jPrefix:        User specified prefix for J coordinate
      jSuffix:        User specified suffix for J coordinate
      includeK:       Indicates whether or not to include the K component of the tracked entity
                       Only meaningful if the tracked entity has a normal vector
      kPrefix:        User specified prefix for K coordinate
      kSuffix:        User specified suffix for K coordinate
      includeLabel:   Indicates whether or not to include the Label of the tracked entity
      labelPrefix:    User specified prefix for Label
      labelSuffix:    User specified suffix for Label
      includeLevel:   Indicates whether or not to include the Level of the tracked entity
                       Only meaningful if the tracked entity is a measurement point
      levelPrefix:    User specified prefix for Level
      levelSuffix:    User specified suffix for Level
source <xsd:complexType name="Ann3DCoordinateNoteType">
      CoordinateNote Annotation

      standard:       standard used in for the Coordinate Note
      textBox:        Indicates whether or not the note has a box around it
      includeX:       Indicates whether or not to include the X coordinate of the tracked entity
      xPrefix:        User specified prefix for X coordinate
      xSuffix:        User specified suffix for X coordinate
      includeY:       Indicates whether or not to include the Y coordinate of the tracked entity
      yPrefix:        User specified prefix for Y coordinate
      ySuffix:        User specified suffix for Y coordinate
      includeZ:       Indicates whether or not to include the Z coordinate of the tracked entity
      zPrefix:        User specified prefix for Z coordinate
      zSuffix:        User specified suffix for Z coordinate
      includeI:       Indicates whether or not to include the I component of the tracked entity
                       Only meaningful if the tracked entity has a normal vector
      iPrefix:        User specified prefix for I coordinate
      iSuffix:        User specified suffix for I coordinate
      includeJ:       Indicates whether or not to include the J component of the tracked entity
                       Only meaningful if the tracked entity has a normal vector
      jPrefix:        User specified prefix for J coordinate
      jSuffix:        User specified suffix for J coordinate
      includeK:       Indicates whether or not to include the K component of the tracked entity
                       Only meaningful if the tracked entity has a normal vector
      kPrefix:        User specified prefix for K coordinate
      kSuffix:        User specified suffix for K coordinate
      includeLabel:   Indicates whether or not to include the Label of the tracked entity
      labelPrefix:    User specified prefix for Label
      labelSuffix:    User specified suffix for Label
      includeLevel:   Indicates whether or not to include the Level of the tracked entity
                       Only meaningful if the tracked entity is a measurement point
      levelPrefix:    User specified prefix for Level
      levelSuffix:    User specified suffix for Level
<xsd:extension base="plm:Annotation3DType">
<xsd:attribute name="standard" type="plm:Ann3DDimensionStandardType" use="optional"/>
<xsd:attribute name="textBox" type="xsd:boolean" default="false"/>
<xsd:attribute name="includeX" type="xsd:boolean" default="false"/>
<xsd:attribute name="xPrefix" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:attribute name="xSuffix" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:attribute name="includeY" type="xsd:boolean" default="false"/>
<xsd:attribute name="yPrefix" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:attribute name="ySuffix" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:attribute name="includeZ" type="xsd:boolean" default="false"/>
<xsd:attribute name="zPrefix" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:attribute name="zSuffix" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:attribute name="includeI" type="xsd:boolean" default="false"/>
<xsd:attribute name="iPrefix" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:attribute name="iSuffix" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:attribute name="includeJ" type="xsd:boolean" default="false"/>
<xsd:attribute name="jPrefix" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:attribute name="jSuffix" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:attribute name="includeK" type="xsd:boolean" default="false"/>
<xsd:attribute name="kPrefix" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:attribute name="kSuffix" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:attribute name="includeLabel" type="xsd:boolean" default="false"/>
<xsd:attribute name="labelPrefix" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:attribute name="labelSuffix" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:attribute name="includeLevel" type="xsd:boolean" default="false"/>
<xsd:attribute name="levelPrefix" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:attribute name="levelSuffix" type="xsd:string"/>

attribute Ann3DCoordinateNoteType/@standard
type plm:Ann3DDimensionStandardType
use optional
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration ASME Y14.5M 1994
enumeration ASME Y14.41M 2003
enumeration ANSI Y14.5M 1982
enumeration ISO
enumeration JIS
enumeration DIN
enumeration BS
enumeration GM Addendum 1994
enumeration ASME Y14.5 2009
source <xsd:attribute name="standard" type="plm:Ann3DDimensionStandardType" use="optional"/>

attribute Ann3DCoordinateNoteType/@textBox
type xsd:boolean
default false
source <xsd:attribute name="textBox" type="xsd:boolean" default="false"/>

attribute Ann3DCoordinateNoteType/@includeX
type xsd:boolean
default false
source <xsd:attribute name="includeX" type="xsd:boolean" default="false"/>

attribute Ann3DCoordinateNoteType/@xPrefix
type xsd:string
source <xsd:attribute name="xPrefix" type="xsd:string"/>

attribute Ann3DCoordinateNoteType/@xSuffix
type xsd:string
source <xsd:attribute name="xSuffix" type="xsd:string"/>

attribute Ann3DCoordinateNoteType/@includeY
type xsd:boolean
default false
source <xsd:attribute name="includeY" type="xsd:boolean" default="false"/>

attribute Ann3DCoordinateNoteType/@yPrefix
type xsd:string
source <xsd:attribute name="yPrefix" type="xsd:string"/>

attribute Ann3DCoordinateNoteType/@ySuffix
type xsd:string
source <xsd:attribute name="ySuffix" type="xsd:string"/>

attribute Ann3DCoordinateNoteType/@includeZ
type xsd:boolean
default false
source <xsd:attribute name="includeZ" type="xsd:boolean" default="false"/>

attribute Ann3DCoordinateNoteType/@zPrefix
type xsd:string
source <xsd:attribute name="zPrefix" type="xsd:string"/>

attribute Ann3DCoordinateNoteType/@zSuffix
type xsd:string
source <xsd:attribute name="zSuffix" type="xsd:string"/>

attribute Ann3DCoordinateNoteType/@includeI
type xsd:boolean
default false
source <xsd:attribute name="includeI" type="xsd:boolean" default="false"/>

attribute Ann3DCoordinateNoteType/@iPrefix
type xsd:string
source <xsd:attribute name="iPrefix" type="xsd:string"/>

attribute Ann3DCoordinateNoteType/@iSuffix
type xsd:string
source <xsd:attribute name="iSuffix" type="xsd:string"/>

attribute Ann3DCoordinateNoteType/@includeJ
type xsd:boolean
default false
source <xsd:attribute name="includeJ" type="xsd:boolean" default="false"/>

attribute Ann3DCoordinateNoteType/@jPrefix
type xsd:string
source <xsd:attribute name="jPrefix" type="xsd:string"/>

attribute Ann3DCoordinateNoteType/@jSuffix
type xsd:string
source <xsd:attribute name="jSuffix" type="xsd:string"/>

attribute Ann3DCoordinateNoteType/@includeK
type xsd:boolean
default false
source <xsd:attribute name="includeK" type="xsd:boolean" default="false"/>

attribute Ann3DCoordinateNoteType/@kPrefix
type xsd:string
source <xsd:attribute name="kPrefix" type="xsd:string"/>

attribute Ann3DCoordinateNoteType/@kSuffix
type xsd:string
source <xsd:attribute name="kSuffix" type="xsd:string"/>

attribute Ann3DCoordinateNoteType/@includeLabel
type xsd:boolean
default false
source <xsd:attribute name="includeLabel" type="xsd:boolean" default="false"/>

attribute Ann3DCoordinateNoteType/@labelPrefix
type xsd:string
source <xsd:attribute name="labelPrefix" type="xsd:string"/>

attribute Ann3DCoordinateNoteType/@labelSuffix
type xsd:string
source <xsd:attribute name="labelSuffix" type="xsd:string"/>

attribute Ann3DCoordinateNoteType/@includeLevel
type xsd:boolean
default false
source <xsd:attribute name="includeLevel" type="xsd:boolean" default="false"/>

attribute Ann3DCoordinateNoteType/@levelPrefix
type xsd:string
source <xsd:attribute name="levelPrefix" type="xsd:string"/>

attribute Ann3DCoordinateNoteType/@levelSuffix
type xsd:string
source <xsd:attribute name="levelSuffix" type="xsd:string"/>

XML Schema documentation generated by XMLSpy Schema Editor