Name | Type | Use | Default | Fixed | Annotation |
id | xsd:ID | optional | | | |
name | xsd:string | optional | | | |
nameRef | plm:anyURIType | optional | | | |
descriptionTextRef | plm:anyURIType | optional | | | |
fromComponentRef | plm:anyURIType | optional | | | documentation | Refers to the component at one end of the connection. |
fromPin | xsd:normalizedString | optional | | | documentation | Name of the terminal or pin on the From Component where connection starts/ends. |
toComponentRef | plm:anyURIType | optional | | | documentation | Refers to the component at the other end of the connection |
toPin | xsd:normalizedString | optional | | | documentation | Name of the terminal or pin on the To Component where connection starts/ends. |
offset | xsd:double | optional | | | documentation | A value used to calculate the cut-length by adding it to the actual length after the multiplier is applied. |
multiplier | xsd:double | optional | | | documentation | A factor used as a multiplier on the actual length to calculate the cut-length |