diagram | ![]() |
namespace | http://www.plmxml.org/Schemas/PLMXMLSchema | ||||||||||||||||||
type | extension of plm:DeltaOperationBase | ||||||||||||||||||
properties |
used by |
attributes |
annotation |
source | <xsd:complexType name="DeltaAddType" mixed="true"> <xsd:annotation> <xsd:documentation> This element represents adding a fragment of PLMXML, i.e. a tree of elements, to a master document. The sub-elements of this element are all added. Attributes: parentRef: A URI reference to a placeholder element which represents the element in the master document which will become the parent of the added elements. Exactly one of parentRef or siblingRef should be present. siblingRef: A URI reference to a placeholder element which represents the element in the master document which will become a sibling of the added elements. There is no implication that the added element will be adjacent to the sibling element in the sub-element ordering - only that it will have the same parent. Elements: Any PLMXML elements may be included as sub-elements. </xsd:documentation> <xsd:appinfo source="http://www.plmxml.org/tools/CodeGenerator">allowMixed=true</xsd:appinfo> </xsd:annotation> <xsd:complexContent> <xsd:extension base="plm:DeltaOperationBase"> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:any namespace="##any" processContents="skip" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> </xsd:sequence> <xsd:attribute name="parentRef" type="plm:anyURIType" use="optional"/> <xsd:attribute name="siblingRef" type="plm:anyURIType" use="optional"/> </xsd:extension> </xsd:complexContent> </xsd:complexType> |
type | plm:anyURIType | ||
properties |
source | <xsd:attribute name="parentRef" type="plm:anyURIType" use="optional"/> |
type | plm:anyURIType | ||
properties |
source | <xsd:attribute name="siblingRef" type="plm:anyURIType" use="optional"/> |