complexType EnterpriseRevisionType
diagram plmxml_diagrams/plmxml_p1245.png
type extension of plm:StructureRevisionBase
base plm:StructureRevisionBase
children plm:Description plm:ApplicationRef plm:Attribute plm:BoxBound plm:SphereBound plm:Bound plm:VariantDefault plm:VariantRuleCheck plm:PropertyGroup
used by
element EnterpriseRevision
Name  Type  Use  Default  Fixed  Annotation
id  xsd:ID  optional      
name  xsd:string  optional      
nameRef  plm:anyURIType  optional      
descriptionTextRef  plm:anyURIType  optional      
attributeRefs  xsd:IDREFS  optional      
accessRefs  plm:uriReferenceListType  optional      
statusRef  plm:anyURIType  optional      
checkoutRefs  plm:uriReferenceListType  optional      
subType  xsd:string  optional      
effectivityRefs  plm:uriReferenceListType  optional      
releaseStatusRefs  plm:uriReferenceListType  optional      
revision  xsd:string  required      
version  xsd:nonNegativeInteger  optional      
masterRef  plm:anyURIType  required      
optionRefs  plm:uriReferenceListType  optional      
instanceRefs  plm:uriReferenceListType  optional      
gdeInstanceRefs  plm:uriReferenceListType  optional      
simplifiedRepRefs  plm:uriReferenceListType  optional      
propertyRefs  plm:uriReferenceListType  optional      
discountPercent  xsd:float  optional      
type  xsd:string  required      
isInternal  xsd:boolean    false    
isIssuing  xsd:boolean    false    
roleRefs  plm:uriReferenceListType  optional      

      Enterprise revision information.


      discountPercent:  This attribute holds the percent by which a charge would
                        be marked up or marked down for this customer based on
                        the straight rate that is found in the labor group. It
                        is used for calculating the charge on a work order.
      type:             Enterprise type.
      isInternal:       A boolean value, set to true if the enterprise is part
                        of the user’s internal enterprise and false if not.
      isIssuing:        A boolean value, set to true if the enterprise issues
                        documentation and false if not.
      roleRefs:         A list of Enterprise role references.
source <xsd:complexType name="EnterpriseRevisionType">
      Enterprise revision information.


      discountPercent:  This attribute holds the percent by which a charge would
                        be marked up or marked down for this customer based on
                        the straight rate that is found in the labor group. It
                        is used for calculating the charge on a work order.
      type:             Enterprise type.
      isInternal:       A boolean value, set to true if the enterprise is part
                        of the user’s internal enterprise and false if not.
      isIssuing:        A boolean value, set to true if the enterprise issues
                        documentation and false if not.
      roleRefs:         A list of Enterprise role references.
<xsd:extension base="plm:StructureRevisionBase">
<xsd:attribute name="discountPercent" type="xsd:float" use="optional"/>
<xsd:attribute name="type" type="xsd:string" use="required"/>
<xsd:attribute name="isInternal" type="xsd:boolean" default="false"/>
<xsd:attribute name="isIssuing" type="xsd:boolean" default="false"/>
<xsd:attribute name="roleRefs" type="plm:uriReferenceListType" use="optional" plm:refType="plm:EnterpriseRole"/>

attribute EnterpriseRevisionType/@discountPercent
type xsd:float
use optional
source <xsd:attribute name="discountPercent" type="xsd:float" use="optional"/>

attribute EnterpriseRevisionType/@type
type xsd:string
use required
source <xsd:attribute name="type" type="xsd:string" use="required"/>

attribute EnterpriseRevisionType/@isInternal
type xsd:boolean
default false
source <xsd:attribute name="isInternal" type="xsd:boolean" default="false"/>

attribute EnterpriseRevisionType/@isIssuing
type xsd:boolean
default false
source <xsd:attribute name="isIssuing" type="xsd:boolean" default="false"/>

attribute EnterpriseRevisionType/@roleRefs
type plm:uriReferenceListType
use optional
source <xsd:attribute name="roleRefs" type="plm:uriReferenceListType" use="optional" plm:refType="plm:EnterpriseRole"/>

XML Schema documentation generated by XMLSpy Schema Editor