complexType GeneralUnitComponentType
diagram plmxml_diagrams/plmxml_p339.png
used by
element UnitType/GeneralUnit
Name  Type  Use  Default  Fixed  Annotation
name  xsd:string  required      
exponent  xsd:double    1    
prefix  plm:UnitPrefixType  optional      
nameRef  plm:anyURIType  optional      

      Component of a unit of measurement, other than a standard SI unit.
      The name of the unit can be any string, to allow for the numerous units
      in use. However the following strings should be used for the corresponding
      common units:
      SI units (other than those given explicitly in the Unit element):
      "gram", "hertz", "newton", "pascal", "joule", "watt", "coulomb", "volt",
      "farad", "ohm", "siemens", "weber", "tesla", "henry", "degreeCelsius",
      "lumen", "lux", "becquerel", "gray", "sievert".
      "are", "hectare", "litre" (note European spelling).

      Common non-SI units:

      "minute", "hour", "day".
      "inch", "foot", "yard", "mile", "nautical mile".
      "pint", "quart", "gallon", "imperial pint", "imperial quart",
      "imperial gallon".
      "ounce", "pound".


      name:             name of unit, e.g. "inch"
      prefix:           multiplier prefix, e.g. "kilo", "micro"
      exponent:         power to which unit is raised, e.g. cm**-2
      nameRef:          References a multiple language version of name. If
                        multiple language support is required, nameRef should be
                        used in addition to name.
source <xsd:complexType name="GeneralUnitComponentType">
      Component of a unit of measurement, other than a standard SI unit.
      The name of the unit can be any string, to allow for the numerous units
      in use. However the following strings should be used for the corresponding
      common units:
      SI units (other than those given explicitly in the Unit element):
      "gram", "hertz", "newton", "pascal", "joule", "watt", "coulomb", "volt",
      "farad", "ohm", "siemens", "weber", "tesla", "henry", "degreeCelsius",
      "lumen", "lux", "becquerel", "gray", "sievert".
      "are", "hectare", "litre" (note European spelling).

      Common non-SI units:

      "minute", "hour", "day".
      "inch", "foot", "yard", "mile", "nautical mile".
      "pint", "quart", "gallon", "imperial pint", "imperial quart",
      "imperial gallon".
      "ounce", "pound".


      name:             name of unit, e.g. "inch"
      prefix:           multiplier prefix, e.g. "kilo", "micro"
      exponent:         power to which unit is raised, e.g. cm**-2
      nameRef:          References a multiple language version of name. If
                        multiple language support is required, nameRef should be
                        used in addition to name.
<xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" use="required"/>
<xsd:attribute name="exponent" type="xsd:double" default="1"/>
<xsd:attribute name="prefix" type="plm:UnitPrefixType" use="optional"/>
<xsd:attribute name="nameRef" type="plm:anyURIType" use="optional" plm:refType="plm:Text"/>

attribute GeneralUnitComponentType/@name
type xsd:string
use required
source <xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" use="required"/>

attribute GeneralUnitComponentType/@exponent
type xsd:double
default 1
source <xsd:attribute name="exponent" type="xsd:double" default="1"/>

attribute GeneralUnitComponentType/@prefix
type plm:UnitPrefixType
use optional
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration yotta
enumeration zetta
enumeration exa
enumeration peta
enumeration tera
enumeration giga
enumeration mega
enumeration kilo
enumeration hecto
enumeration deka
enumeration deci
enumeration centi
enumeration milli
enumeration micro
enumeration nano
enumeration pico
enumeration femto
enumeration atto
enumeration zepto
enumeration yocto
source <xsd:attribute name="prefix" type="plm:UnitPrefixType" use="optional"/>

attribute GeneralUnitComponentType/@nameRef
type plm:anyURIType
use optional
source <xsd:attribute name="nameRef" type="plm:anyURIType" use="optional" plm:refType="plm:Text"/>

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