complexType MotorType
diagram plmxml_diagrams/plmxml_p904.png
type extension of plm:AttribOwnerBase
base plm:AttribOwnerBase
children plm:Description plm:ApplicationRef plm:Attribute
used by
element Motor
Name  Type  Use  Default  Fixed  Annotation
id  xsd:ID  optional      
name  xsd:string  optional      
nameRef  plm:anyURIType  optional      
descriptionTextRef  plm:anyURIType  optional      
attributeRefs  xsd:IDREFS  optional      
type  plm:MotorEnum  optional      
initialVelocity  xsd:double  optional      
resistance  xsd:double  optional      
inductance  xsd:double  optional      
current  xsd:double  optional      
backEMFConstant  xsd:double  optional      
forceConstant  xsd:double  optional      
inertia  xsd:double  optional      
dampingCoefficient  xsd:double  optional      
voltage  xsd:double  optional      

          A definition of a motor. A motor must be referenced from a force to
          apply a force or from a driver to cause motion.


          id:           Inherited from AttribOwner.
          name:         Inherited from AttribOwner.
          type:         The type of motor as a MotorEnum.
          initialVelocity: The initial velocity of the rotor of the motor in
                        metres per second for linear motor and radians per
                        second in rotary motors.
          resistance:   The resistance of the motor in ohms.
          inductance:   The inductance of the motor in henries.
          current:      The initial current of the motor in amps.
          backEMFConstant: The back EMF constant in volt seconds per metre for
                        linear motors and volt seconds per radian for rotary
          forceConstant: The force constant of a linear motor in newtons per
                        amp. The torque constant of a rotary motor in newton
                        metres per amp.
          inertia:      The mass of a linear motor in kilogrammes. The moment of
                        inertia of a rotary motor in kilogramme metres squared.
          dampingCoefficient: The damping coefficient in newton seconds per
                        metre for linear motors and newton metre seconds per
                        radian for rotary motors.
          voltage:      The nominal voltage to the motor in volts.
source <xsd:complexType name="MotorType">
          A definition of a motor. A motor must be referenced from a force to
          apply a force or from a driver to cause motion.


          id:           Inherited from AttribOwner.
          name:         Inherited from AttribOwner.
          type:         The type of motor as a MotorEnum.
          initialVelocity: The initial velocity of the rotor of the motor in
                        metres per second for linear motor and radians per
                        second in rotary motors.
          resistance:   The resistance of the motor in ohms.
          inductance:   The inductance of the motor in henries.
          current:      The initial current of the motor in amps.
          backEMFConstant: The back EMF constant in volt seconds per metre for
                        linear motors and volt seconds per radian for rotary
          forceConstant: The force constant of a linear motor in newtons per
                        amp. The torque constant of a rotary motor in newton
                        metres per amp.
          inertia:      The mass of a linear motor in kilogrammes. The moment of
                        inertia of a rotary motor in kilogramme metres squared.
          dampingCoefficient: The damping coefficient in newton seconds per
                        metre for linear motors and newton metre seconds per
                        radian for rotary motors.
          voltage:      The nominal voltage to the motor in volts.
<xsd:extension base="plm:AttribOwnerBase">
<xsd:attribute name="type" type="plm:MotorEnum" use="optional"/>
<xsd:attribute name="initialVelocity" type="xsd:double" use="optional"/>
<xsd:attribute name="resistance" type="xsd:double" use="optional"/>
<xsd:attribute name="inductance" type="xsd:double" use="optional"/>
<xsd:attribute name="current" type="xsd:double" use="optional"/>
<xsd:attribute name="backEMFConstant" type="xsd:double" use="optional"/>
<xsd:attribute name="forceConstant" type="xsd:double" use="optional"/>
<xsd:attribute name="inertia" type="xsd:double" use="optional"/>
<xsd:attribute name="dampingCoefficient" type="xsd:double" use="optional"/>
<xsd:attribute name="voltage" type="xsd:double" use="optional"/>

attribute MotorType/@type
type plm:MotorEnum
use optional
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration velocity
enumeration force
source <xsd:attribute name="type" type="plm:MotorEnum" use="optional"/>

attribute MotorType/@initialVelocity
type xsd:double
use optional
source <xsd:attribute name="initialVelocity" type="xsd:double" use="optional"/>

attribute MotorType/@resistance
type xsd:double
use optional
source <xsd:attribute name="resistance" type="xsd:double" use="optional"/>

attribute MotorType/@inductance
type xsd:double
use optional
source <xsd:attribute name="inductance" type="xsd:double" use="optional"/>

attribute MotorType/@current
type xsd:double
use optional
source <xsd:attribute name="current" type="xsd:double" use="optional"/>

attribute MotorType/@backEMFConstant
type xsd:double
use optional
source <xsd:attribute name="backEMFConstant" type="xsd:double" use="optional"/>

attribute MotorType/@forceConstant
type xsd:double
use optional
source <xsd:attribute name="forceConstant" type="xsd:double" use="optional"/>

attribute MotorType/@inertia
type xsd:double
use optional
source <xsd:attribute name="inertia" type="xsd:double" use="optional"/>

attribute MotorType/@dampingCoefficient
type xsd:double
use optional
source <xsd:attribute name="dampingCoefficient" type="xsd:double" use="optional"/>

attribute MotorType/@voltage
type xsd:double
use optional
source <xsd:attribute name="voltage" type="xsd:double" use="optional"/>

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