complexType OverrideApprovalType
diagram plmxml_diagrams/plmxml_p1437.png
type extension of plm:AttribOwnerBase
base plm:AttribOwnerBase
children plm:Description plm:ApplicationRef plm:Attribute
used by
element OverrideApproval
Name  Type  Use  Default  Fixed  Annotation
id  xsd:ID  optional      
name  xsd:string  optional      
nameRef  plm:anyURIType  optional      
descriptionTextRef  plm:anyURIType  optional      
attributeRefs  xsd:IDREFS  optional      
type  plm:OverrideEnum    noOverride    
state  plm:OverrideStateEnum    pass    
requestState  plm:DecisionType    noDecision    
category  xsd:string  optional      
categoryRef  plm:anyURIType  optional      
reason  xsd:string  optional      
reasonRef  plm:anyURIType  optional      
requestDate  xsd:dateTime  optional      
requestUserRef  plm:anyURIType  optional      
decisionDate  xsd:dateTime  optional      
decisionUserRef  plm:anyURIType  optional      
comment  xsd:string  optional      
commentRef  plm:anyURIType  optional      

      Represents the approval override of a ValidationResult.


      type:             The override type.
      state:            The state that the override should apply to.
      requestState:     The request state.
      category:         The override category.
      categoryRef:      References a multiple language version of category. If
                        multiple language support is required, categoryRef
                        should be used in addition to category.
      reason:           The brief override reason.
      reasonRef         References a multiple language version of reason. If
                        multiple language support is required, reasonRef should
                        be used in addition to reason.
      requestDate:      The override request date.
      requestUserRef:   References the override request user.
      decisionDate:     The decision date for the override request.
      decisionUserRef:  References the decision user for the override request.
      comment:          The decision comment for the override request.
      commentRef:       References a multiple language version of the decision
                        comment. If multiple language support is required,
                        commentRef should be used in addition to comment.
      descriptionTextRef: Inherited from AttribOwner. If multiple language
                        support is required, descriptionTextRef should be used
                        in addition to the Description sub-element.


      Description:      Inherited from AttribOwner. The detailed description of
                        the override reason.
source <xsd:complexType name="OverrideApprovalType">
      Represents the approval override of a ValidationResult.


      type:             The override type.
      state:            The state that the override should apply to.
      requestState:     The request state.
      category:         The override category.
      categoryRef:      References a multiple language version of category. If
                        multiple language support is required, categoryRef
                        should be used in addition to category.
      reason:           The brief override reason.
      reasonRef         References a multiple language version of reason. If
                        multiple language support is required, reasonRef should
                        be used in addition to reason.
      requestDate:      The override request date.
      requestUserRef:   References the override request user.
      decisionDate:     The decision date for the override request.
      decisionUserRef:  References the decision user for the override request.
      comment:          The decision comment for the override request.
      commentRef:       References a multiple language version of the decision
                        comment. If multiple language support is required,
                        commentRef should be used in addition to comment.
      descriptionTextRef: Inherited from AttribOwner. If multiple language
                        support is required, descriptionTextRef should be used
                        in addition to the Description sub-element.


      Description:      Inherited from AttribOwner. The detailed description of
                        the override reason.
<xsd:extension base="plm:AttribOwnerBase">
<xsd:attribute name="type" type="plm:OverrideEnum" default="noOverride"/>
<xsd:attribute name="state" type="plm:OverrideStateEnum" default="pass"/>
<xsd:attribute name="requestState" type="plm:DecisionType" default="noDecision"/>
<xsd:attribute name="category" type="xsd:string" use="optional"/>
<xsd:attribute name="categoryRef" type="plm:anyURIType" use="optional" plm:refType="plm:Text"/>
<xsd:attribute name="reason" type="xsd:string" use="optional"/>
<xsd:attribute name="reasonRef" type="plm:anyURIType" use="optional" plm:refType="plm:Text"/>
<xsd:attribute name="requestDate" type="xsd:dateTime" use="optional"/>
<xsd:attribute name="requestUserRef" type="plm:anyURIType" use="optional" plm:refType="plm:Owner"/>
<xsd:attribute name="decisionDate" type="xsd:dateTime" use="optional"/>
<xsd:attribute name="decisionUserRef" type="plm:anyURIType" use="optional" plm:refType="plm:Owner"/>
<xsd:attribute name="comment" type="xsd:string" use="optional"/>
<xsd:attribute name="commentRef" type="plm:anyURIType" use="optional" plm:refType="plm:Text"/>

attribute OverrideApprovalType/@type
type plm:OverrideEnum
default noOverride
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration noOverride
enumeration temporary
enumeration permanent
source <xsd:attribute name="type" type="plm:OverrideEnum" default="noOverride"/>

attribute OverrideApprovalType/@state
type plm:OverrideStateEnum
default pass
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration pass
enumeration fail
source <xsd:attribute name="state" type="plm:OverrideStateEnum" default="pass"/>

attribute OverrideApprovalType/@requestState
type plm:DecisionType
default noDecision
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration noDecision
enumeration approve
enumeration reject
source <xsd:attribute name="requestState" type="plm:DecisionType" default="noDecision"/>

attribute OverrideApprovalType/@category
type xsd:string
use optional
source <xsd:attribute name="category" type="xsd:string" use="optional"/>

attribute OverrideApprovalType/@categoryRef
type plm:anyURIType
use optional
source <xsd:attribute name="categoryRef" type="plm:anyURIType" use="optional" plm:refType="plm:Text"/>

attribute OverrideApprovalType/@reason
type xsd:string
use optional
source <xsd:attribute name="reason" type="xsd:string" use="optional"/>

attribute OverrideApprovalType/@reasonRef
type plm:anyURIType
use optional
source <xsd:attribute name="reasonRef" type="plm:anyURIType" use="optional" plm:refType="plm:Text"/>

attribute OverrideApprovalType/@requestDate
type xsd:dateTime
use optional
source <xsd:attribute name="requestDate" type="xsd:dateTime" use="optional"/>

attribute OverrideApprovalType/@requestUserRef
type plm:anyURIType
use optional
source <xsd:attribute name="requestUserRef" type="plm:anyURIType" use="optional" plm:refType="plm:Owner"/>

attribute OverrideApprovalType/@decisionDate
type xsd:dateTime
use optional
source <xsd:attribute name="decisionDate" type="xsd:dateTime" use="optional"/>

attribute OverrideApprovalType/@decisionUserRef
type plm:anyURIType
use optional
source <xsd:attribute name="decisionUserRef" type="plm:anyURIType" use="optional" plm:refType="plm:Owner"/>

attribute OverrideApprovalType/@comment
type xsd:string
use optional
source <xsd:attribute name="comment" type="xsd:string" use="optional"/>

attribute OverrideApprovalType/@commentRef
type plm:anyURIType
use optional
source <xsd:attribute name="commentRef" type="plm:anyURIType" use="optional" plm:refType="plm:Text"/>

XML Schema documentation generated by XMLSpy Schema Editor