diagram | ![]() |
namespace | http://www.plmxml.org/Schemas/PLMXMLSchema | ||
type | extension of plm:Ann3DDisplayType | ||
properties |
children | plm:Description plm:ApplicationRef plm:Attribute plm:DisplayPlane plm:Leader plm:Geometry | ||
used by |
attributes | |||
annotation |
source | <xsd:complexType name="Ann3DDimensionDisplayType"> <xsd:annotation> <xsd:documentation> DimensionDisplay: 3D Dimension display, derived from Annotation3DDisplay Attributes: toleranceDisplay: method of display for tolerance style: style of display - radial, diametral, sphericalRadial, controlledRadial, sphericalDiameter, ordinate or linearDiametral. The value, limits, is deprecated in favour of the limitDisplay attribute. precision: The precision of the displayed value in number of decimal places. This is the number of decimal places that can be relied on, whether or not that number of decimal places is actually displayed. Normally they would be displayed but trailing zeros can be suppressed by setting dimensionTrailingZero to false. angleFormat: controls the format of angular values tolerancePrecision: number of decimal places shown in the tolerance unitText: whether to display the unit text (e.g. "inches") dualUnits: units to use for the dual dimension. This attribute is deprecated in favour of dualUnitRef. dualType: bracket, positional or line separated display of the dual dimension dualPlacement: Placement of the dual dimension: before, after, above or below the main dimension dualTolerancePrecision: number of decimal places shown in the dual tolerance dualUnitText: ditto for the dual dimension diameterPlacement: before, after, above or below statisticalPlacement: ditto radialPlacement: ditto linearPlacement: ditto referenceDisplay: how to display reference dimensions - reference, parenthesis, or matched zeroToleranceDisplay: controls the display of a zero valued tolerance dimensionLeadingZero: whether to display leading zeroes in the dimension value toleranceLeadingZero: whether to display leading zeroes in the tolerance value dimensionTrailingZero: Whether trailing zeros on dimension values are displayed. This does not affect the precision of the displayed value. See precision attribute. toleranceTrailingZero: Whether trailing zeros on tolerance values are displayed. fraction: For linear dimensions, display each of value, upperDelta and lowerDelta on Dimension as an integer (if value is greater than or equal to one) and a fraction (unless value is exactly an integer). For angular dimensions, display them as fractions of the arc given by the angleNumerator attribute on the corresponding Dimension. valueDenominator: The largest denominator allowable for value on Dimension. upperDeltaDenominator: The largest denominator allowable for upperDelta on Dimension. lowerDeltaDenominator: The largest denominator allowable for lowerDelta on Dimension. fractionSize: The size of the numerals in any fractions compared to the size of those in the integers. limitFitOrder: For a limits and fits dimension, the order in which the value attribute, the deviation and the grade attributes, and the tolerance information on the corresponding Dimension are displayed. limitFitParentheses: For a limits and fits dimension, whether the value attribute, the deviation and the grade attributes or the tolerance information on the corresponding Dimension are displayed in parentheses. dualValueDenominator: The largest denominator allowable for value converted to a dual dimension. dualUpperDeltaDenominator: The largest denominator allowable for upperDelta converted to a dual Dimension. dualLowerDeltaDenominator: The largest denominator allowable for lowerDelta converted to a dual Dimension. dualUnitRef: References a Unit, which specifies the units to use for the dual dimension. NB: if this is present, a dual dimension is displayed - otherwise not. limitDisplay: How the deviation and the grade attributes on the corresponding Dimension are displayed. </xsd:documentation> </xsd:annotation> <xsd:complexContent> <xsd:extension base="plm:Ann3DDisplayType"> <xsd:attribute name="toleranceDisplay" type="plm:Ann3DDimensionTolerance" use="optional"/> <xsd:attribute name="style" type="plm:Ann3DDimensionStyle" use="optional"/> <xsd:attribute name="unitText" type="xsd:boolean" use="optional"/> <xsd:attribute name="precision" type="xsd:integer" use="optional"/> <xsd:attribute name="angleFormat" type="plm:Ann3DAngleFormat" use="optional"/> <xsd:attribute name="tolerancePrecision" type="xsd:integer" use="optional"/> <xsd:attribute name="dualUnits" type="xsd:string" use="optional" plm:deprecated="true"/> <xsd:attribute name="dualType" type="plm:Ann3DDimensionDual" use="optional"/> <xsd:attribute name="dualPlacement" type="plm:Ann3DDimensionDualPlacement" use="optional"/> <xsd:attribute name="dualUnitText" type="xsd:boolean" use="optional"/> <xsd:attribute name="dualPrecision" type="xsd:integer" use="optional"/> <xsd:attribute name="dualTolerancePrecision" type="xsd:integer" use="optional"/> <xsd:attribute name="referenceDisplay" type="plm:Ann3DDimReferenceDisplay" use="optional"/> <xsd:attribute name="statisticalPlacement" type="plm:Ann3DDimStatisticalPlacement" use="optional"/> <xsd:attribute name="diameterPlacement" type="plm:Ann3DDimDiameterPlacement" use="optional"/> <xsd:attribute name="radialPlacement" type="plm:Ann3DDimDiameterPlacement" use="optional"/> <xsd:attribute name="linearPlacement" type="plm:Ann3DDimDiameterPlacement" use="optional"/> <xsd:attribute name="zeroToleranceDisplay" type="plm:Ann3DDimensionZeroToleranceDisplay" use="optional"/> <xsd:attribute name="dimensionLeadingZero" type="xsd:boolean" default="true"/> <xsd:attribute name="toleranceLeadingZero" type="xsd:boolean" default="true"/> <xsd:attribute name="dimensionTrailingZero" type="xsd:boolean" default="true"/> <xsd:attribute name="toleranceTrailingZero" type="xsd:boolean" default="true"/> <xsd:attribute name="fraction" type="xsd:boolean" default="false"/> <xsd:attribute name="valueDenominator" type="xsd:integer" use="optional"/> <xsd:attribute name="upperDeltaDenominator" type="xsd:integer" use="optional"/> <xsd:attribute name="lowerDeltaDenominator" type="xsd:integer" use="optional"/> <xsd:attribute name="fractionSize" type="plm:Ann3DFractionSizeEnum" default="full"/> <xsd:attribute name="limitFitOrder" type="plm:Ann3DLimitFitOrderEnum" default="valueLimitFitTolerance"/> <xsd:attribute name="limitFitParentheses" type="plm:Ann3DLimitFitParenthesesEnum" default="none"/> <xsd:attribute name="dualValueDenominator" type="xsd:integer" use="optional"/> <xsd:attribute name="dualUpperDeltaDenominator" type="xsd:integer" use="optional"/> <xsd:attribute name="dualLowerDeltaDenominator" type="xsd:integer" use="optional"/> <xsd:attribute name="dualUnitRef" type="plm:anyURIType" use="optional" plm:refType="plm:Unit"/> <xsd:attribute name="limitDisplay" type="plm:Ann3DLimitDisplayEnum" default="none"/> </xsd:extension> </xsd:complexContent> </xsd:complexType> |
type | plm:Ann3DDimensionTolerance | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
properties |
facets |
source | <xsd:attribute name="toleranceDisplay" type="plm:Ann3DDimensionTolerance" use="optional"/> |
type | plm:Ann3DDimensionStyle | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
properties |
facets |
source | <xsd:attribute name="style" type="plm:Ann3DDimensionStyle" use="optional"/> |
type | xsd:boolean | ||
properties |
source | <xsd:attribute name="unitText" type="xsd:boolean" use="optional"/> |
type | xsd:integer | ||
properties |
source | <xsd:attribute name="precision" type="xsd:integer" use="optional"/> |
type | plm:Ann3DAngleFormat | ||||||||||||
properties |
facets |
source | <xsd:attribute name="angleFormat" type="plm:Ann3DAngleFormat" use="optional"/> |
type | xsd:integer | ||
properties |
source | <xsd:attribute name="tolerancePrecision" type="xsd:integer" use="optional"/> |
type | xsd:string | ||
properties |
source | <xsd:attribute name="dualUnits" type="xsd:string" use="optional" plm:deprecated="true"/> |
type | plm:Ann3DDimensionDual | ||||||||||||
properties |
facets |
source | <xsd:attribute name="dualType" type="plm:Ann3DDimensionDual" use="optional"/> |
type | plm:Ann3DDimensionDualPlacement | |||||||||||||||
properties |
facets |
source | <xsd:attribute name="dualPlacement" type="plm:Ann3DDimensionDualPlacement" use="optional"/> |
type | xsd:boolean | ||
properties |
source | <xsd:attribute name="dualUnitText" type="xsd:boolean" use="optional"/> |
type | xsd:integer | ||
properties |
source | <xsd:attribute name="dualPrecision" type="xsd:integer" use="optional"/> |
type | xsd:integer | ||
properties |
source | <xsd:attribute name="dualTolerancePrecision" type="xsd:integer" use="optional"/> |
type | plm:Ann3DDimReferenceDisplay | ||||||||||||
properties |
facets |
source | <xsd:attribute name="referenceDisplay" type="plm:Ann3DDimReferenceDisplay" use="optional"/> |
type | plm:Ann3DDimStatisticalPlacement | |||||||||||||||
properties |
facets |
source | <xsd:attribute name="statisticalPlacement" type="plm:Ann3DDimStatisticalPlacement" use="optional"/> |
type | plm:Ann3DDimDiameterPlacement | |||||||||||||||
properties |
facets |
source | <xsd:attribute name="diameterPlacement" type="plm:Ann3DDimDiameterPlacement" use="optional"/> |
type | plm:Ann3DDimDiameterPlacement | |||||||||||||||
properties |
facets |
source | <xsd:attribute name="radialPlacement" type="plm:Ann3DDimDiameterPlacement" use="optional"/> |
type | plm:Ann3DDimDiameterPlacement | |||||||||||||||
properties |
facets |
source | <xsd:attribute name="linearPlacement" type="plm:Ann3DDimDiameterPlacement" use="optional"/> |
type | plm:Ann3DDimensionZeroToleranceDisplay | |||||||||||||||
properties |
facets |
source | <xsd:attribute name="zeroToleranceDisplay" type="plm:Ann3DDimensionZeroToleranceDisplay" use="optional"/> |
type | xsd:boolean | ||
properties |
source | <xsd:attribute name="dimensionLeadingZero" type="xsd:boolean" default="true"/> |
type | xsd:boolean | ||
properties |
source | <xsd:attribute name="toleranceLeadingZero" type="xsd:boolean" default="true"/> |
type | xsd:boolean | ||
properties |
source | <xsd:attribute name="dimensionTrailingZero" type="xsd:boolean" default="true"/> |
type | xsd:boolean | ||
properties |
source | <xsd:attribute name="toleranceTrailingZero" type="xsd:boolean" default="true"/> |
type | xsd:boolean | ||
properties |
source | <xsd:attribute name="fraction" type="xsd:boolean" default="false"/> |
type | xsd:integer | ||
properties |
source | <xsd:attribute name="valueDenominator" type="xsd:integer" use="optional"/> |
type | xsd:integer | ||
properties |
source | <xsd:attribute name="upperDeltaDenominator" type="xsd:integer" use="optional"/> |
type | xsd:integer | ||
properties |
source | <xsd:attribute name="lowerDeltaDenominator" type="xsd:integer" use="optional"/> |
type | plm:Ann3DFractionSizeEnum | ||||||||||||
properties |
facets |
source | <xsd:attribute name="fractionSize" type="plm:Ann3DFractionSizeEnum" default="full"/> |
type | plm:Ann3DLimitFitOrderEnum | ||||||||||||
properties |
facets |
source | <xsd:attribute name="limitFitOrder" type="plm:Ann3DLimitFitOrderEnum" default="valueLimitFitTolerance"/> |
type | plm:Ann3DLimitFitParenthesesEnum | |||||||||||||||||||||
properties |
facets |
source | <xsd:attribute name="limitFitParentheses" type="plm:Ann3DLimitFitParenthesesEnum" default="none"/> |
type | xsd:integer | ||
properties |
source | <xsd:attribute name="dualValueDenominator" type="xsd:integer" use="optional"/> |
type | xsd:integer | ||
properties |
source | <xsd:attribute name="dualUpperDeltaDenominator" type="xsd:integer" use="optional"/> |
type | xsd:integer | ||
properties |
source | <xsd:attribute name="dualLowerDeltaDenominator" type="xsd:integer" use="optional"/> |
type | plm:anyURIType | ||
properties |
source | <xsd:attribute name="dualUnitRef" type="plm:anyURIType" use="optional" plm:refType="plm:Unit"/> |
type | plm:Ann3DLimitDisplayEnum | |||||||||
properties |
facets |
source | <xsd:attribute name="limitDisplay" type="plm:Ann3DLimitDisplayEnum" default="none"/> |