complexType Ann3DDisplayType
diagram plmxml_diagrams/plmxml_p713.png
type extension of plm:AttribOwnerBase
base plm:AttribOwnerBase
children plm:Description plm:ApplicationRef plm:Attribute plm:DisplayPlane plm:Leader plm:Geometry
used by
element Ann3DDisplay
complexTypes Ann3DAttributeNoteDisplayType Ann3DBalloonDisplayType Ann3DBundleDressingNoteDisplayType Ann3DCenterlineDisplayType Ann3DCircleCentreDisplayType Ann3DCoordinateNoteDisplayType Ann3DCrosshatchDisplayType Ann3DCuttingPlaneSymbolDisplayType Ann3DDatumFeatureSymbolDisplayType Ann3DDatumTargetDisplayType Ann3DDimensionDisplayType Ann3DeMarkingDisplayType Ann3DFastenerDisplayType Ann3DFeatureControlFrameDisplayType Ann3DFitDesignationDisplayType Ann3DLineWeldDisplayType Ann3DLocatorDisplayType Ann3DMaterialSpecDisplayType Ann3DMeasurementPointDisplayType Ann3DNoteDisplayType Ann3DOrganisationDisplayType Ann3DPartSpecDisplayType Ann3DProcessSpecDisplayType Ann3DRegionDisplayType Ann3DSpotWeldDisplayType Ann3DSurfaceFinishDisplayType Ann3DUserDefinedSymbolDisplayType
Name  Type  Use  Default  Fixed  Annotation
id  xsd:ID  optional      
name  xsd:string  optional      
nameRef  plm:anyURIType  optional      
descriptionTextRef  plm:anyURIType  optional      
attributeRefs  xsd:IDREFS  optional      
blanked  xsd:boolean    false    
units  plm:PreferredPartUnitsType  optional      
symbolColour  plm:RGBAType  optional      
layer  xsd:integer  optional      
textOrigin  plm:VectorType  optional      
textDirection  plm:VectorType  optional      
textBox  xsd:boolean  optional      
outlineRef  plm:anyURIType  optional      
attachmentType  plm:Ann3DAttachment  optional      
symbolicDisplayRef  plm:anyURIType  optional      
language  xsd:language  optional      
font  xsd:string  optional      
textHeight  xsd:double  optional      
textThickness  plm:TextLineThicknessType  optional      
textAspect  xsd:double  optional      
textColour  plm:RGBAType  optional      
bold  xsd:boolean    false    
italic  xsd:boolean    false    
italicAngle  xsd:double  optional      
underline  plm:TextUnderlineType  optional      
justification  plm:TextJustificationType  optional      
spaceFactor  xsd:double  optional      
lineFactor  xsd:double  optional      
strikethrough  plm:Ann3DTextStrikethroughEnum    none    
subscript  plm:Ann3DTextSubscriptEnum  optional      
textLineWidth  xsd:double  optional      
textLineWidthRef  plm:anyURIType  optional      
annotation3DRef  xsd:IDREF  optional      
commaAsDecimal  xsd:boolean    false    
flag  xsd:boolean    false    
unitRef  plm:anyURIType  optional      

      The base type for types describing how to display an
      Annotation3D element.


      blanked:         true if this Display is marked as not to
                       be displayed at the moment.
      units:           specifies which units lengths will be displayed in. This
                       attribute is deprecated in favour of unitRef.
      symbolColour:    colour of the lines in the symbol.
      layer:           layer on which to display (deprecated - use the Layer Property instead)
      textOrigin:      3D vector describing the location of the top
                       left corner of the text window, in model
                       space, in metres.
      textDirection:   3D direction of the text, in the display
      textBox:         whether a box is drawn around the symbol. (Deprecated.
                       Use an AnnotationOutline referenced by outlineRef
      outlineRef:      reference to an AnnotationOutline element which specifies the
                       outline of the Annotation.

      attachmentType:  method of display (leader, stacked, as a radial dimension, etc )
      symbolicDisplayRef: reference to a Representation which can be
                       considered as a symbolic representation of
                       the Annotation.

      annotation3DRef: the Annotation3D being displayed (deprecated)
      commaAsDecimal:  Whether the decimal separator is represented by a
                       full-stop or a comma.
      flag:            Whether any Leader sub-elements attach to the Annotation
                       as flags.
      unitRef:         References a Unit, which specifies the units lengths will
                       be displayed in. If absent, the units in the referencing
                       ProductRevision or ProductRevisionView (if any) will be
                       used. If still absent, millimetres will be assumed. Note
                       this does not affect lengths in the PLMXML file - these
                       are always in metres.


      DisplayPlane:    The plane on which the Annotation is
                       displayed. If no plane is provided then it is
                       up to the application to choose a plane.

      Leader:          Zero or more leader-line specifications

      Geometry:        Zero or more ConstructionGeometry sub-elements. These
                       are alternative visual representations of the Annotation. These
                       can contain Points or Curves. If these are 2D, then they
                       lie in the DisplayPlane.
source <xsd:complexType name="Ann3DDisplayType">
      The base type for types describing how to display an
      Annotation3D element.


      blanked:         true if this Display is marked as not to
                       be displayed at the moment.
      units:           specifies which units lengths will be displayed in. This
                       attribute is deprecated in favour of unitRef.
      symbolColour:    colour of the lines in the symbol.
      layer:           layer on which to display (deprecated - use the Layer Property instead)
      textOrigin:      3D vector describing the location of the top
                       left corner of the text window, in model
                       space, in metres.
      textDirection:   3D direction of the text, in the display
      textBox:         whether a box is drawn around the symbol. (Deprecated.
                       Use an AnnotationOutline referenced by outlineRef
      outlineRef:      reference to an AnnotationOutline element which specifies the
                       outline of the Annotation.

      attachmentType:  method of display (leader, stacked, as a radial dimension, etc )
      symbolicDisplayRef: reference to a Representation which can be
                       considered as a symbolic representation of
                       the Annotation.

      annotation3DRef: the Annotation3D being displayed (deprecated)
      commaAsDecimal:  Whether the decimal separator is represented by a
                       full-stop or a comma.
      flag:            Whether any Leader sub-elements attach to the Annotation
                       as flags.
      unitRef:         References a Unit, which specifies the units lengths will
                       be displayed in. If absent, the units in the referencing
                       ProductRevision or ProductRevisionView (if any) will be
                       used. If still absent, millimetres will be assumed. Note
                       this does not affect lengths in the PLMXML file - these
                       are always in metres.


      DisplayPlane:    The plane on which the Annotation is
                       displayed. If no plane is provided then it is
                       up to the application to choose a plane.

      Leader:          Zero or more leader-line specifications

      Geometry:        Zero or more ConstructionGeometry sub-elements. These
                       are alternative visual representations of the Annotation. These
                       can contain Points or Curves. If these are 2D, then they
                       lie in the DisplayPlane.
<xsd:extension base="plm:AttribOwnerBase">
<xsd:element name="DisplayPlane" type="plm:PlaneType" minOccurs="0"/>
<xsd:element name="Leader" type="plm:Ann3DLeaderType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xsd:element name="Geometry" type="plm:ConstructionGeometryType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xsd:attribute name="blanked" type="xsd:boolean" default="false"/>
<xsd:attribute name="units" type="plm:PreferredPartUnitsType" use="optional" plm:deprecated="true"/>
<xsd:attribute name="symbolColour" type="plm:RGBAType" use="optional"/>
<xsd:attribute name="layer" type="xsd:integer" use="optional" plm:deprecated="true"/>
<xsd:attribute name="textOrigin" type="plm:VectorType" use="optional"/>
<xsd:attribute name="textDirection" type="plm:VectorType" use="optional"/>
<xsd:attribute name="textBox" type="xsd:boolean" use="optional" plm:deprecated="true"/>
<xsd:attribute name="outlineRef" type="plm:anyURIType" use="optional" plm:refType="plm:AnnotationOutline"/>
<xsd:attribute name="attachmentType" type="plm:Ann3DAttachment" use="optional"/>
<xsd:attribute name="symbolicDisplayRef" type="plm:anyURIType" use="optional" plm:refType="plm:Representation"/>
<xsd:attributeGroup ref="plm:TextGroup"/>
<xsd:attribute name="annotation3DRef" type="xsd:IDREF" use="optional" plm:refType="plm:Annotation3D" plm:deprecated="true"/>
<xsd:attribute name="commaAsDecimal" type="xsd:boolean" default="false"/>
<xsd:attribute name="flag" type="xsd:boolean" default="false"/>
<xsd:attribute name="unitRef" type="plm:anyURIType" use="optional" plm:refType="plm:Unit"/>

attribute Ann3DDisplayType/@blanked
type xsd:boolean
default false
source <xsd:attribute name="blanked" type="xsd:boolean" default="false"/>

attribute Ann3DDisplayType/@units
type plm:PreferredPartUnitsType
use optional
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration millimetres
enumeration metres
enumeration inches
source <xsd:attribute name="units" type="plm:PreferredPartUnitsType" use="optional" plm:deprecated="true"/>

attribute Ann3DDisplayType/@symbolColour
type plm:RGBAType
use optional
Kind Value Annotation
length 4
source <xsd:attribute name="symbolColour" type="plm:RGBAType" use="optional"/>

attribute Ann3DDisplayType/@layer
type xsd:integer
use optional
source <xsd:attribute name="layer" type="xsd:integer" use="optional" plm:deprecated="true"/>

attribute Ann3DDisplayType/@textOrigin
type plm:VectorType
use optional
Kind Value Annotation
length 3
source <xsd:attribute name="textOrigin" type="plm:VectorType" use="optional"/>

attribute Ann3DDisplayType/@textDirection
type plm:VectorType
use optional
Kind Value Annotation
length 3
source <xsd:attribute name="textDirection" type="plm:VectorType" use="optional"/>

attribute Ann3DDisplayType/@textBox
type xsd:boolean
use optional
source <xsd:attribute name="textBox" type="xsd:boolean" use="optional" plm:deprecated="true"/>

attribute Ann3DDisplayType/@outlineRef
type plm:anyURIType
use optional
source <xsd:attribute name="outlineRef" type="plm:anyURIType" use="optional" plm:refType="plm:AnnotationOutline"/>

attribute Ann3DDisplayType/@attachmentType
type plm:Ann3DAttachment
use optional
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration noLeader
enumeration leader
enumeration stacked
enumeration onGeometry
enumeration linearDimension
enumeration radialDimension
enumeration diametralDimension
enumeration angularDimension
enumeration ordinateDimension
source <xsd:attribute name="attachmentType" type="plm:Ann3DAttachment" use="optional"/>

attribute Ann3DDisplayType/@symbolicDisplayRef
type plm:anyURIType
use optional
source <xsd:attribute name="symbolicDisplayRef" type="plm:anyURIType" use="optional" plm:refType="plm:Representation"/>

attribute Ann3DDisplayType/@annotation3DRef
type xsd:IDREF
use optional
source <xsd:attribute name="annotation3DRef" type="xsd:IDREF" use="optional" plm:refType="plm:Annotation3D" plm:deprecated="true"/>

attribute Ann3DDisplayType/@commaAsDecimal
type xsd:boolean
default false
source <xsd:attribute name="commaAsDecimal" type="xsd:boolean" default="false"/>

attribute Ann3DDisplayType/@flag
type xsd:boolean
default false
source <xsd:attribute name="flag" type="xsd:boolean" default="false"/>

attribute Ann3DDisplayType/@unitRef
type plm:anyURIType
use optional
source <xsd:attribute name="unitRef" type="plm:anyURIType" use="optional" plm:refType="plm:Unit"/>

element Ann3DDisplayType/DisplayPlane
diagram plmxml_diagrams/plmxml_p714.png
type plm:PlaneType
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content complex
children plm:Description plm:ApplicationRef plm:Attribute plm:PropertyGroup plm:SamplePoints
Name  Type  Use  Default  Fixed  Annotation
id  xsd:ID  optional      
name  xsd:string  optional      
nameRef  plm:anyURIType  optional      
descriptionTextRef  plm:anyURIType  optional      
attributeRefs  xsd:IDREFS  optional      
entityRef  plm:anyURIType  optional      
propertyRefs  plm:uriReferenceListType  optional      
startU  xsd:double  optional      
endU  xsd:double  optional      
startV  xsd:double  optional      
endV  xsd:double  optional      
origin  plm:VectorType    0 0 0    
zAxis  plm:DirectionType    0 0 1    
xAxis  plm:DirectionType    1 0 0    
source <xsd:element name="DisplayPlane" type="plm:PlaneType" minOccurs="0"/>

element Ann3DDisplayType/Leader
diagram plmxml_diagrams/plmxml_p715.png
type plm:Ann3DLeaderType
minOcc 0
maxOcc unbounded
content complex
children plm:Curve
Name  Type  Use  Default  Fixed  Annotation
id  xsd:ID  optional      
referenceRef  xsd:IDREF  optional      
tParm  xsd:double  optional      
uvParms  plm:SurfaceUVType  optional      
terminator  plm:VectorType  optional      
stubDirection  plm:Ann3DDimensionStubDirection  optional      
stubLength  xsd:double  optional      
colour  plm:RGBAType  optional      
lineType  plm:Ann3DLineType  optional      
thickness  plm:TextLineThicknessType  optional      
arrowType  plm:Ann3DArrow  optional      
arrowColour  plm:RGBAType  optional      
arrowLineType  plm:Ann3DLineType  optional      
arrowThickness  plm:TextLineThicknessType  optional      
arrowAngle  xsd:double  optional      
arrowLength  xsd:double  optional      
dotDiameter  xsd:double  optional      
arrowPlacement  plm:Ann3DDimensionArrowPlacement  optional      
arrowOutsideLength  xsd:double  optional      
lineTextGap  xsd:double  optional      
extensionLineGap  xsd:double  optional      
extensionColour  plm:RGBAType  optional      
extensionLineType  plm:Ann3DLineType  optional      
extensionThickness  plm:TextLineThicknessType  optional      
extensionLineExtension  xsd:double  optional      
radiusToCentre  xsd:boolean    false    
width  xsd:double  optional      
arrowWidth  xsd:double  optional      
extensionWidth  xsd:double  optional      
widthRef  plm:anyURIType  optional      
arrowWidthRef  plm:anyURIType  optional      
extensionWidthRef  plm:anyURIType  optional      
source <xsd:element name="Leader" type="plm:Ann3DLeaderType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

element Ann3DDisplayType/Geometry
diagram plmxml_diagrams/plmxml_p716.png
type plm:ConstructionGeometryType
minOcc 0
maxOcc unbounded
content complex
children plm:Description plm:ApplicationRef plm:Attribute plm:Point plm:Curve plm:Surface plm:CoordinateSystem plm:GeometryComposition
Name  Type  Use  Default  Fixed  Annotation
id  xsd:ID  optional      
name  xsd:string  optional      
nameRef  plm:anyURIType  optional      
descriptionTextRef  plm:anyURIType  optional      
attributeRefs  xsd:IDREFS  optional      
entityRef  plm:anyURIType  optional      
purpose  plm:GeometryPurposeEnum  optional      
source <xsd:element name="Geometry" type="plm:ConstructionGeometryType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

XML Schema documentation generated by XMLSpy Schema Editor