b'Energy & Utilities | Engineer InnovationAlthough this measurement was done from an upwind position, the results clearly indicate the main sound sources as being: From the nacelle itself: both the noise from the gearbox, as well as the noise generated by the yaw system, make the wind turbine rotate when the wind direction changes, From the wind turbine blade: the tip creates the highest noise when it moves with the highest speed, and most noise is generated during the downward movement of the blade, and An additional source can be seen every time a blade passes the tower, due to reflection and local turbulences.Often, for more detailed analyses, bigger customized ground arrays are used, and tests are done on scale models in aero-acoustic wind tunnels. However, thanks to the Simcenter Sound Camera, the initial analysis and interpretation of results is done in a much more efficient and effective way. With the Simcenter solution, one can compare different blade profiles by adding extensions to the trailing edge of the blades to investigate how it changes the emitted noise. By zooming in on specific frequencies, it is easier to identify the origin of the tonal noises and to determine if they come from the gearset, ventilators, power electronics, or any other source. This allows for last-minute changes before performing the formal IEC61400-11 certification. In the end, wind turbines are here to stay and to make the world a little bit greener. They are cost-effective, sustainable, and a clean fuel source, among other benefits. nFigure 4: Test setup with Simcenter Sound Camera. 23'