b'Plant & Process | Engineer Innovationsystem complexity continued to increase, with size differences ranging from 4 x 4 millimeters (mm) to 380 x 120 mm (Figure 3). This is in addition to the number of material and color variants that are also constantly being created.Unique competitive advantage through complex multiple strand toolsThe complexity, functional requirements and quality demands on the extrusion tool increases, while cycle times shorten. In 2008 approximately 30 tools per year were developed, today there are more than 50 tools per year. Each tool is a special-purpose tool. Multiple four-strand tools were successfully put into operation in a shorter time with the help of Simcenter FLOEFD and provide a unique competitive advantage (Figure 4). 100 kilometers (km) of cable trunking is manufactured per day with no waste as the material is used again and again. OneFigure 1: Extrusion tool and calibrationof the main targets is to achieve a uniform melt distribution at the tool outlet tothe technical support team, the maintain the product quality (Figure 5).continuous further development of the software and regular workshops, the The Hager Group design engineers areknowledge was deepened even further. responsible for the entire developmentBesides the mold and tool design, the process of their tools, starting from theprofile calibration as well as the layout of basic digital concept up to thethe cooling line are part of the commissioning and final approval at thesimulations.point where the tool is put into operation at the extrusion line. It is important to beThe existing experience of the Hager able to work without any additionalengineers in extrusion tool design has dependencies from others or externalbeen extended over the years with further interfaces and thereby ensure an optimaltheoretical know-how, experience and development and design process. knowledge about the material properties or physical conditions of non-Newtonian Hagers approach to frontload theirmedia and corresponding viscosity simulations models. In addition, deeper insights were Hager Group engineers have been usinggained into the shear rate range that the Simcenter FLOEFD in their developmentnew tools must cover. PVC, including process since 2008 and were able to usemultiple additives, is one of the most the results created in their initial trainingdifficult material for the determination of session resulting in a fast and productivethe specific properties. At the same time, implementation. With the assistance ofthe material is often processed at the Figure 2: High flexible trunking system tehalit.BR65 Figure 3: Size differences19'