b'Aerospace & Defense | Engineer Innovationthe direct and reflected fluxes weresurface, but for a detailed night survival compared with hand calculations whereanalysis, the full model is recommended. possible. It was found that the directTransient runs of the lunar surface model solar fluxes were being correctlytake considerable time for the calculated.temperatures of the lower layers to stabilize. This can be avoided by For validating the calculation of theselecting appropriate initial reflected solar fluxes, the bottom facetemperatures. Suggested values are was examined. This face experiencesprovided for a number of latitudes.The only reflected solar energy withcalculation of solar fluxes with and reflections being either diffuse orwithout atmospheric attenuation was specular. The reflected solar fluxes weredemonstrated. A lunar surface model hand calculated, with somewith a simple cube included specular approximations, for comparison with thereflection effects and a Mars model with Simcenter results. Treating the lunara simple plate showed the impact of surface as a very large flat plane, figure 5including atmospheric effects.shows specular and diffuse reflections.This article is a summary of the The direct solar loads are applicable towhitepaper: both lunar and Martian environments.Modeling Lunar and Martian Simcenter space solutions were used toEnvironments with Simcenter 3D Space model lunar and Mars surface missions.Systems ThermalA detailed model of the lunar surface was described and evaluated along withArmin Veshkini[1], Kevin Lee[2], Chris some variations. It was shown that forJackson[3], Christopher Pye[4], Maya some mission analysis it is onlyHTT Ltd., Suite 400,4999 St. Catherine necessary to model the surface and fluffW., Montreal, QC, H3Z 1T3 nlayers (the top 20 mm) of the lunar 250SC-SST200 DiffuseSpecularTotal150-2Flux , Wm1005000 20 40 60 80,Figure 6: Lunar cube bottom face solar fluxes.41'